
Having to attend a ritual, a businessman struggles to fix a deal for his startup, thus ignoring his religious wife, and their daughter, eventually leading them to leave heartbroken, after he aggressively rages at them. Meanwhile, a mysterious ascetic stalks them everywhere. When the businessman receives a shocking news, an astonishing connection between him and the ascetic is revealed.
Keshav Bhandari as Dai
Yubina Bhattarai as Bhauju
Niva Nakarmi as Sanu
Nibhaya Nakarmi as Gopal
Shekhar Gautam as Ascetic
Surendra Joshi as Pilgrim
Prabhat Gurung- Cinematographer/Executive Producer
Nyeem Greenwood- Assistant Director
Mihir Pyakuryal- Assistant Director
Surendra Joshi- Assistant Director
Binod Singh Thapa- Line Producer/Executive Producer
Gaffer- Swoyam Manandhar
Nitesh Sharma Khatiwada- Assistant Camera Operator
Yubina Bhattarai- Makeup
Kamal Sunar- Behind The Scenes Photography
Subhaya Nakarmi- Production Help
Sudaya Man Nakarmi- Location Manager
Udaya Man Nakarmi- Location Manager
Nibhaya Nakarmi

As a Nepali fellow aspiring to be an artist in the USA, I knew I had to bring something unique and tasteful to firm my ground here. As a Bachelor’s novice, I have definitely struggled throughout to survive and achieve experience that I now possess after completing my Master’s. Yet, one gift that has always helped me to stand out from the crowd is my culture. Through cinema, I want to present the Nepali authenticity and style in such a compelling manner that the audience would feel refreshed, awakened after feeling saturated with the cinematic content they see everyday.