Passage tells the story of a family whose path crosses with greedy human smugglers on their dangerous journey to freedom.
Musa and his family are subjected to police brutality after waiting a couple of weeks for borders to open. War-weary immigrants face another war here and they turn their faces to illegal ways, to the boats.
After they arrive at the shore, there is one final obstacle between them and the freedom; they have to make an agreement with smugglers to be able to find a place on the boats.
Watch the Trailer
Written and Directed by Burak Orhun Baser
Director of Photograhy - Gözde Koyuncu
Producer - Burak Orhun Baser
Producer - Onur Canpek
Producer - Bersis Yılmaz
Art Director - Yiğit Akçay
Hair, Make-up - Kısmet Bayır
Costume - Deniz Yılmaz
Sound - Bora Kasırga
Score - Batuhan Yalaz
Sound Design - Burak Orhun Baser
Final Sound Mix - Mehmet Mars
Colorist - Asım Ertürk
Musa - Diren Polatoğulları
Elif - Sitare Akbaş
The Smuggler - Burak Demir
The Kid - Kerem Yumuş
Old Woman - Leyla Üyük
Wounded Man - İsa Bayırlı

Burak Orhun Baser is a director and psychologist born in Malatya, Turkey in 1994. He currently lives and works in New York City, NY.
While he was studying Psychology for his bachelor degree he started to study Media and Visual Arts with Double Major program. After he is graduated from Koc University, the number one ranked university in Turkey, he is awarded by Fulbright Scholarship for his Film Studies in the USA. He is a Master of Fine Arts, Film student in The City College of New York.
He directed commercials, music videos and video arts projects and his works are exhibited in prestigious art galleries in Istanbul, London and Paris. His latest video art project is screened in Times Square, New York by ZAZ10TS art gallery.